January 2024 Product Update

Written by Sam Graham


As we slide into the new year and gear up for the next wave of feature releases and enhancements, we wanted to take a moment to look back on what we shipped last year. So, without further ado, here are Indicative’s greatest hits of 2023.


Turn Insights into Action in One Click

Identifying friction in the user experience is key to increasing user engagement and conversion. But insights without action lead nowhere.

Segment Activation takes you from observation to outcome with the mere click of a button. Now, when you discover a critical drop-off point in your analysis, simply activate that segment across any of mParticle’s 80+ Audience outputs to trigger timely, high-impact reengagement campaigns to nudge those users towards a desired action. Get started.


Precision Control for Dashboard Collaboration

One-size-fits-all rarely fits anyone—and your dashboard editing privileges are no exception. That’s why dashboard creators now have more granular control over who can edit their dashboards. Grant access to individual teammates in just a few simple clicks, and enjoy more seamless collaboration and informed decision-making. Say goodbye to broad restrictions and hello to precise access management. See how it works.


AI-Driven Insights for Swift Decision-Making

Meet Indicative Assisted Analysis, your new AI-powered bestie, designed to quickly examine your charts and generate instant insights you can act on—think highs and lows, outliers, trends, and more. But it doesn’t stop there: Assisted Analysis even provides recommendations on possible improvements to optimize for your desired outcome, like improving conversion. Ready to act faster, save time, and free up data analyst resources? Learn more.


Unveil Funnel Optimization Opportunities

Analyze your funnel’s Conversion Over Time across three easy-to-read visualizations—Conversion Rate, Converted Users, and Average Conversion Time—instead of a single graph.

Plus, filtering by funnel step lets you quickly identify the biggest funnel optimization opportunity for your campaign or feature’s impact on conversion, whether it’s from step A to B, or F to G. Learn more.


Highlight What Matters Most

Now, you can instantly “pin” important event properties to create an at-a-glance view. Whether it’s page names or product categories, customize your timeline view to highlight what truly matters. Learn more.


Stay Ahead with Timely Alerts

You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken. New email alerts promptly identify data load delays for data warehouse and data lake integrations, enabling you to take action and resolve issues without missing a beat. Get notified.


And Lastly, a Note from the Team

Thanks for being part of Indicative’s journey. Your input means the world to us! Got ideas, feedback, or questions? Drop us a line at customer-feedback@mparticle.com, and let’s chat!