What Is A Log File?

Written by Indicative Team


Log File Defined

A log file is a file which keeps a registry of processes, messages, events and communication between various communication software applications and operating systems.

Simply, the role of a log file is to keep track of all events associated with a system or application  and if something should happen within a complex system, a business will have access to a detailed list of events that took place before the malfunction.

A log file can show the following events and data collected when a user visits a website:

  • IP Address and host name
  • Country or region of origin
  • Browser and operating system used
  • Type of search engine and search term entered
  • Duration and number of pages visited by the user
  • Page on which the user has left the website again

To ensure that processes, messages, events and communication between various communication software applications and operating systems are running smoothly, a log file analysis is completed. A log file analysis has the following benefits:

  • Automatic logging of crawlers
  • No JavaScript or cookies required
  • Realignment of historical data
  • Measuring of aborted downloads
  • Firewalls do not interfere with the protocol
  • Simple formatting

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